Monday, January 7, 2008
camp was great n of course fun!!!
esp campfire, i do so many campfire first time really gt fire, haha
last yr sec1 camp light up onli 5min, lol..
den annual camp didnt even finish preparing n gone case..

n slept at library for 2days..
freezing cold..
n stupid terry took marcus sleeping bag n marcus took mine, made me no sleeping bag sleep the damn cold library, onli use my towel as blanket -.- lucky onli for last night..
n last night yonglin ask something damn so obscene to the gals, haha.. for me heard till used to it liao, onli all the boys thr laughing, haha..
Playing Chinese Chess

well, for CCA open hse, it was quite great except for the rain, if nt fancy drill would have carry-on even more nice..
anyway, was suppose to be wearing No.4 but i wore No.1 instead XDDDD mr kwok ask if i wan to wear it, so of course!!! shall post the photo some days..
n abt 23 sec1 enroll for NCC, well, hopefully all of them get into NCC XD

now nth much to blog, now getting real busy n alot hmwk..
chiong for Olvl!!!