sentosa trip = tired bt wif lotsa fun = sleepy soon liao bah =x
my eyes are tired now, mayb b'coz sea water go in bah, n oso use too much eye power on ang moh zar bo xD met at 930, bt i reach at 915 coz serene(samantha class de) is lending us beach volleyball n saw coffee tanay thr as well xD she waiting for nickie n others for their meeting.. n chuaweekiat, as usual, late bt by 1h -.- he fell asleep again.. den do this do tat until reach sentosa n started playing.. play cum 'sight-seeing' at ang moh all d way xp den we went back to vivo at ard 445 bah, n samantha is to reach home by 5 -.- bt later she had to reach home by 7 la.. n we were at th monorail crapping as usual, started wif 妈妈猫 爸爸狗 爷爷乌龟 all tat den suddenly 2gal opp us suddenly said something like 妈妈的..den of coz we started deesiao them la.. haha, den gt off monorail deesiao them, glendon say the 2gals 1 black colour shirt wif white colour bag de nice, den we all start.. 黑衣的黑衣的!!! 那个黑衣白bag的,等一下嘞, 他要你电话 *他=glendon den we keep deesiao, push glendon all tat, den after they go outdoor area outside vivo monorail station i shout out super loud 黑衣的,回来!!! den she suddenly look back den glendon n me wave gudbye to them la n they wave back as well, lols.. super deesiao sia, hahahahah xD den after tat go long john, bloody system cock up la, i order de no drink den she ask me wad drink i wan-.- i tot new de have so i said loh, n still ask me medium or large w/o regular.. make me spend $7+ on a $5 meal i wan, really wan _|_ somemore they talk oso super fast n unclear la, glendon think oso tio scam.. den we go off liao i outside the shop near counter thr shout 下次说话要记得讲大声,而且要清楚, 要不然别人听不懂就会乱乱order bt i doubt they heard oso -.- bt overall, tat long john sucks -.- shld have suggest food court or BK instead, coz we wanted mac at first.. anwyay slack here n thr den back home liao.. long day yet fun, haha.. shall get photos frm samantha to post den xD |
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