woke at 10am 0.0 im shock coz i usually walk at 7 or 8am, latest oso 9am.. think todae weather too gud coz still rain in morning, so sleep too very shuang, haha.. den woke use comp n went out for lunch wif sis.. back home rest n play bball~ play awhile till abt 445pm, todae was simply tired -.- back home bath n nap a short short while n went out~ reach mrt station at slightly past 6 bt belle came at 630pm..den slowly it's alr ard 7pm when we finally boarded bus to vista park.. todae: me qiqi belle ben sharon jinger geok jessie dick guoway szeling larissa was thr to play tgt!!! reach liao jinger back home change n we went to find a place.. den after tat qiqi sharon went jinger hse take things while we sit at the table let mosquito bite us n arrange the candles nicely.. qiqi sharon jinger came back n some uncivilised mother fucking cb kia playing bomb bags n one of them hit qiqi's leg.. i was super angry n stared at them awhile.. I M FUCKING PISSED OFF!!! bt i after tat was thinking tat todae shld be a joyous day for us n belle tried hard to get everyone tgt, so i dun wan us (me qiqi belle ben sharon jinger geok jessie dick guoway) to be unhappy coz of tis, if nt i wouldnt give a fucking damn to all tat cb ppl.. so we walked away n went to the big big patch of area near christ church n play, hahaha xD szeling larissa came n joined us later.. played alot n was burning here n thr la, lazy talk more abt it, coz really too long xp ben's BB junior, Jonathan, oso came somehow n joined us xD den terry jinkai oso join in wif us after tat.. we ended playing ard 12? or even later i duno, haha.. walked to jinger hse for toilet n washing up abit n we went to have supper cum 'late night dinner' wallet 大失血, treated belle for tat.. after tat it's alr 1+ n we went off.. i sent szeling home n i went back home, bathed n use comp now.. sleep soon xD 那一刻,我真的很氣! 氣自己為什麼沒能過去保護妳或者被打到的不是我 但我也氣那些無教養、沒家教的人! 也許妳覺得沒什麼,因為妳並未損失東西或受傷,但對我來說卻是十分憤怒 對不起我沒保護到妳,但下次我會竭盡所能地保護妳到底,因為這世上我最不想看到的就是妳受到傷害、感到難過~! |
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