Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
was out for X'mas countdown @ Esplanade wif Clique xD long time since we're out tgt, i think? haha, n tat's after prom i think.. i woke up at ard 11am juz now, slept at 730am =.= n is super hungry now~ x.x ytd i went to cwp alone at ard 330pm to look for present.. look ard for like quite some time already cant make up mind wad to buy.. n later terry called, he at cwp alone oso, so joined me.. den look ard more shops n all tat n finally settled wif Waiean de present xD though i gt cheated by 60c =.= n den i look ard more for QiQi de present, bt cant find at all, dun even know wad to buy.. n den after tat went into comic collection, n look ard n found this particular item tat i think is very nice n i think QiQi will like oso bah, so bought it xD *dunwan say wad item xD* n den went to meet ben enxin baoying outside 7-11 n head to Marina Sq. after reached Marina Sq jiu walked ard n headed to Ryoichi coz Baoying is hungry.. [kope frm 女兒 de blog since she posted wad i wan to post oso xD so everything in her points of view, lols~ ] (start...) By the time I reached MS again, Enxin, Baoying, Terry, Benjamin & Rong were alr in Ryoichi, so I joined them. Weiqin served my salmon bento but he forgot to charge me =p So HAHAHA... cheaper! -.- Arigatou gozaimasu for your carelessness! & I wrote Larissa's, Weiqin's & my name on Ryoichi's glass wall -.-" Headed to toilet first, then we headed to Suntec. On the way, I wanted to visit the toilet again & I thought I'm the only weird one [cos we all just went ma...] till Baoying told me "eh, I wanna go toilet again leh..." HAHAHA hi-5 laaa! Then Rong also said the same thing. Baoying thought she's weird, Rong also, I also -.-" So nobody said anything initially. HAHAHA~ Enxin left to meet his dad & sister while the rest of us went to draw on the white ball ball which will be left floating at the Esplanade there de river. Sho coolssxxzzzz manssxzz... We drew for very very long. I think by the tie we finished, three groups had alr finished theirs. After that, Enxin came back to meet us. We went to the Fountain of Wealth. HAHA this is funny -.-" We asked Terry to go down & dedicate nice song, then Baoying & I kpo so we also went down. Enxin dontknow why tagged along. Initially wanted to sabo Enxin by dedicating to her but since she's with us [at the dedication booth or what is it called], we decided to do this... To: Benjamin Bey Bang Wei From: En Xin Artist: Jason Mraz Title: I'm yours Message: I lurbesxxzzxzxzzxxz euu! Our dedication was the last one, so heng. So the DJ read out Ben's name slowly & he was shocked. Then he heard Enxin's name & he's even more shocked. When he heard the song title, he almost fainted -.-" [just joking] Then... when he heard the message, he almost died! =p We laughed so hard. Anyway, the DJ didn't pronounce the message in the twitish way! Sad LOL. Coolios, we went to merry-go-round the fountain of wealth. Quite stupig actually, very superstitious HAHAHA just to attract tourists... Baoying left & the rest of us went back to Citylink for icecream =D Went to stage behind DXO. Sat there & camwhored. Weiloke & co came too so they joined us. Ouhya, Szeling & Weiqin came after work. With more people, we demonstrated the RS spirit -.-" Hmm according to past experience, the real RS spirit is AA = Attract Attention. We shouted the countdown even though the timing was wrong [& we knew it actually, just shout for fun, AA ma]. Then we went around Merry Christmas everyone & we were sprayed -.-"I think this spirit was trained during NJRC, Sports Carnival & other events which needed cheers -.-" Next, we tried even harder to be AA. So we too-too-train around singing Xmas song. Or should I say we shouted instead of sing... We kept too-too-trained around couples/ a group & by the time we sing finish, we all squatted down =p [xing dong wang~] Then stood up & too-too-train away. HAHA so AA I really think we owned -.-" Had Gift Exchange, then we took the last train back to Woodland. In the train, we were very very noisy, causing a man who was sitting beside Weiqin to move to other cabin -.-" Went to Rong's house & bitch Weiqin started to bitch & everyone joined in. OMG it was so hilarious I laughed even harder than yesterday's joke.. laughed till my stomach very very very pain. (...End) we went to makan at 888 at ard 5+am n den all go back home liao.. so tat's when i showered n started my sleep till 11am xD 還有3天~ 56th, Respect & Humility |
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