Blog's Halting~Last Post before end of O Level~ =(((dun have much things, juz tat i watch 2movies straight for last 2days..
Connected on Thurs & House Bunny on Fri
Probably Eagle Eye, last last last movie before O Level nxt week..
im sad, no more crazy moment for the rest of the few week, so nt like myself-.-
how often do u see me treating library as my 'second' home now(graduated, Riverside nt my home liao, i gave to LaoDa liao, bt she dun wan it T.T)
juz like wad a gal who called me to do survey for her said,"Huh?! u here to study?! but u dun look like those who studies."
haha, well, i think its quite factual la, coz i dun think tat i really like studying though i starting to get used to life like tat, bt i still dun like it -.-
photo taken on thurs before movie..
Obscene/ M18/ Censored/ Restrictedi know, bt tat's was juz having some fun n crazy moments xD

end here~
byes to everyone, shall come here to reply tag as often as possible..
bt wont online so long n often la bah..
most prob an hour a day fir these days n nt going to online during o lvl season le bah, unless i nid check out something xD
end here, bye~