FINALLY!!! xD outing wif bros xD thr's me glen brandon wengying honghui tianfah keith ronald john & xionghua meet at glen hse n dilly dally awhile n off.. went Man Master n we spent a long time thr, haha.. think the ppl oso pekcek wif us liao, coz we go so long oso nvr buy, we look for design n went to bugis.. reach bugis, grab some bites n we went to Arab Street to search for a clothing rental shop.. the way was treacherous la, wan faint -.- sibei hot n finally reach the shop oso disappointment.. the clothes, though nice, were too exaggerate.. bt air con is nice thr so enjoyed n out xD on the way back all bth, took bus, for a stop nia n went back bugis junction n head to bugis street.. it's super hot as well, bad day for shopping thr, at least orchard would be betta.. saw ben n terry as well n wengying join them.. den we split into two, 1group (brandon ronald john tianfah) go bugis junction n the rest(me glen keith honghui xionghua) at bugis street, suffer another round of hotness xD tired + hot = fainting -.- den sit at BK had a short discussion n headed to bugis junction.. the rest of group at bugis junction already bought their when we reached -.- things thr are nicer n betta, bt price is a lil ex, bt nt too much oso.. bt had a super long long waiting -.- think we reach thr at abt 4pm, they 6.30pm den come out..i nvr buy de wait till super long sia, bt worth la xp n grab some bites again n head back cwp.. coz of someone hor, we had to gave up our comfortable seats n stand frm braddell back to woodlands, bt nvm la, stand form circle talk crap betta, haha.. laugh dao bao on mrt sia xDDD back to cwp n head to Man Master, the person saw us again bt glen say this time cfm buy liao, haha..i try ok jiu pay up.. den buy liao n head to 77th street look for ties for brandon n honghui, n me n glen saw this particular thing to be pin on shirt.. i dunwan mention nw, later no 高潮 le xp though planned to go to keith hse watch soccer match, Man U VS Arsenal, bt too late n tired, we headed back home instead.. so now blogging xD had a fun day wif bros xD n tml is another study day for the last 3 ppr xD |
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