HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!WELCOME 2009&GOODBYE 2008~!!!ok, let's flash back to my 2008 memories.
what have i gained in this 2008~
well, of coz, i think i get to know alot ppl in 2008 and some of them turn out to be my very good friends and for some are very gud ppl tat i talked to sometimes xD
firstly, muz introduce to my
Ex-C/CPT Tan Jin Chuan!!!now an OCT in OCS xD he's going to be a Naval Officer n tat's the path tat i wants to take as well..i knew him last time already bt it's during the Affirmation Ceremony tat i knew him more..he is actually some guy tat really knows alot, mayb coz of experience, n shared alot to me n clarence during the Affirmation Ceremony..
i get to know my
Angelin LAODA n my
Yixuan LAOSAN!! hehe, sometimes they can very crazy xD
n den i know
Ziling小妹妹, she my very gud fren arh, dun bully her xD hehe, i always gt things nt happy or wad tell her can liao, wahaha..n can keep things for me de~
i oso know
Waiean Ben Ben xD i get to know her in facebook one, we started out by sending msg to each other n den duno why we sometimes argue wif one another, mayb? hahaha, like she wan slap me i will always argue back tat i will pull her tongues out xp n she sometimes oso keep complaining to me abt wad she nt happy de la, n always wan use vulgar =.=
n of coz i get to know
GiGi piggie xD hehe, sometimes more like im her listening box liao xp i know she called me once abt something (secret) n tat day msn she oso..bt den sometimes i shared my things n my views to her oso la, in all, she my very good fren as well xD even lending me her calculator during O lvls xD
n i finally get to know the 2nd pair of twins in our sch xD Junwen n Huiwen..actually know them onli these few months n i think i is normally talk to junwen since she added my MSN, actually is regarding txtbk at first..
and also, my 56th Course Mates!!! esp frm Syndicate 4 Spartans!!! n oso some frm Syndicate 3, Cubers xD n Ma'am Cheryl for taking care of the Panglima and thanks for looking up so high n proud on us!!! xD
and my frens n officers known during Affirmation Ceremony 2008..we had really a fun time during the days of trainings n the actual day, where in our holding room, we had alot of funs n laughters..
also, for my
Part C(2009) cadet!!! though i onli have took over ur training for few sessions, bt you are all very cooperative to me..i hope tat wad i've taught will always be kept in ur mind n nevertheless, in this month, i shld be assisting u all oso, preparing to bring u all to a greater height in NCC n i look forward to tat xD
im especially proud of u all during the Change-of-Command..i rmb 'boasting' to XiaoWei Ma'am tat these are my cadets and she later told me tat den in this case, none of you muz fall out of parade or even fidget, and u didnt xD
ok,tat's for the frens part, my achievements..
well, i gotten my MSG rank tat i wanted it since my Sec1..still rmb tat i last time want it coz it look very nice on No.3, n now i like it coz it represents honour and pride xD
n oso, i got a chance to attend my first HQ event, Affirmation Ceremony, as a NCC Ensign Escort xD it really gives me great pleasure and pride for taking up this post xD
and there will be alot other more which i think im quite lazy to type out n mayb some im juz too lazy to really recalled back everything, bt i think friendship is the most impt of all xD
i really gained alot friendship in 2008 n hope i will gain even more in the years to come! =]
56th, Respect & Humility