morning went for o lvl chinese..
duno if really do well.. paper 1 was crap bah, haha.. paper2 still ok, MCQ qn quite easy but compre is easy but duno how to ans.. LOL, wadeva.. it's over XD after tat go cwp, wanted watch gameplan, too late, szeling going work den weiqin wan job, go wif him.. all the job he find he cant get but i can get, too bad i no time onli, lol.. if nt i think i ll be the one receiving all the application forms bah, haha.. coz all nid <16 den went home use comp awhile n sleep for 2h, haha.. nice nice~~~ XD i wan black eye to disappear so i wont be a nt cute de human panda XP wake up realise tat alot ppl jio me bball, lol.. den after dinner go tekong wif ben.. first match ever since the start of this week, lol.. starting all my shots went in, quite happy.. but lata thin too tired suddenly, i even got no energy to jump la, tired~~~ n somemore i still so tired,my whole body like damn stiff la, cant even dribble a ball well or a back dribble, LOL,sadded T.T den my daughter haven eat, go accompany her go vista eat n slack thr, haha.. after tat went 7-11 buy slurpee, n it's slurpee wednesday, haha.. buy 1 get 1 free, lol.. den had 2 bottles n drink all the way la, haha.. sibei unhealthy i know =X reach home abt 11 n was here now.. my daughter was telling me now tat: A lack of sleep or excessive tiredness can cause paleness of the skin, which allows the blood underneath the skin to become more visible and appear more blue or darker haha, now i know my daughter gt liang xin care for mother, LOL anyway sleeping soon if nt tml is panda again XD by the way, NBA tip off liao, haha.. nice nice, n kobe is bian tai la.. first match so fierce liao score 45points, this season MVP may be him or lebron james, haha XD anyway who has gt ESPN at home? i wan watch NBA or record the mathces for me? (:
todae had lesson in the morning n as usual, boring~~~ *yawns*
after lesson changed n gt onto bus to kallang for prof test.. sometimes, i hate landyard, lol.. coz it's like making me feel very strange, as if something is dropping down frm my shoulder.. anyway, had test.. theory test is crap, duno alot.. anyhow do n i was the last to leave, lol.. probably others dun even know how to do n juz anyhow do.. haha, i bet no one is very confident in getting gold prof badge.. hopefully i can get la, so i can have a record of getting prof badge every yr, haha..n the badge is nice XD practical test is easy, haha.. all correct n gt 50% juz like this.. but muz both cateogery have 40% each den have badge bah =X n splicing is the hardest bah, nxt yr muz really have training on tat, even for the part As.. all part B gave up n part Cs onli abt 7ppl tried, lol.. but the officer thr very =.= he said ' u all duno juz say duno arh, dun anyhow go try.. lata waste my rope' lol, but think he joking but all take it seriously, *nth to say* at night, msn chat n studied for tml o lvl.. gud luck to me n all the higher chinese ppl bah, all the best.. hopefully Jeannie's luck can help me tml, n i trust tat it ll help.. XD sleeping soon, tml gona be a long day T.T n i dunwan to be a zombie or human panda coz of black eyes, haha (:
todae is quite a bad day bah, for some ppl i guess :(((
todae morning n afternoon was out for fren bdae, shant talk much abt it.. was a little boring coz nt really wif the frens tat i was really very close wif, haha.. but at least found a place to go out wif the really close frens i gt.. den found out tat Jeannie was in a bad mood, now i have gt no one to sms to, nvm.. if she gets fine, its alright :) at home, sibei bad time la.. internet somehow gt a stupid prob n always hang.. very pekcek go internet oso cant n afiq was asking me some qn n i nid internet to find out!!! well, lata restart comp n everything is fine again, stupid me, shld restart earlier, LOL n now blogging, but nth much to write.. Cheer up, dun be sad.. i dun like the sad u, i like the happy u.. haha.. Stay happy Jeannie :) Grab from Xianfeng blog..
Check out your birth date and see what you're all about. Birthdays: January 01 - 09 - Lion January 10 - 24 - Mouse January 25 - 31 - Lion February 01 - 05 - Cat February 06 - 14 - Dove February 15 - 21 - Turtle February 22 - 28 - Panther March 01 - 12 - Monkey March 13 - 15 - Lion March 16 - 23 - Mouse March 24 - 31 - Cat April 01 - 03 - Lion April 04 - 14 - Panther April 15 - 26 - Mouse April 27 - 30 - Turtle May 01 - 13 - Mouse May 14 - 21 - Dove May 22 - 31 - Lion June 01 - 03 - Mouse June 04 - 14 - Turtle June 15 - 20 - Lion June 21 - 24 - Monkey June 25 - 30 - Cat July 01 - 09 - Mouse July 10 - 15 - Lion July 16-26 Dove July 27 - 31 - Cat August 01 - 15 - Monkey August 16 - 25 - Mouse August 26 - 31 - Turtle September 01 - 14 - Dove September 15 - 27 - Cat September 28 - 30 - Lion October 01 - 15 - Monkey October 16 - 27 - Turtle October 28 - 31 - Panther November 01 - 16 - Lion November 17 - 30 - Cat December 01 - 16 - Lion December 17 - 25 - Monkey December 26 - 31 - Dove If you are a dog: You are a very loyal and sweet person. Yourloyalty can never be doubted. You are quite honest and sincere when it comes to your attitude towards working. You are a very simple person, indeed. Absolutely hassle free, humble and down to-earth!! That explains the reason why your friends cling on to you! You have a good taste for clothes. If your wardrobe is not updated with what is trendy, you sure are depressed. Popular and easy-going. If you are a mouse: Always up to some sort of a mischief! The mischievous gleam in your eyes is what makes you so cute and attractive to everyone. You are an extremely fun-to-be-with kind of person. No wonder, people seek your company and look forward to include you for all get-togethers. However, you are sensitive, which is a drawback. People need to select their words while talking to you. If someone tries to fiddle around and play with words while dealing with you, it is enough to invite your wrath. If you are a lion: Quite contrary to the name, you are a peace loving person. You try to avoid aggressive situations.. An outdoor person, you dislike sitting at one place for a long time. You are a born leader. You want to feel loved, and when you receive your share of limelight from someone, you are all theirs! Some people could even take advantage of this by flattering you. So be careful.. If you are a cat: An extremely lovable, adorable person, sometimes shy, with a passion for quick wit. At times, you prefer quietness. You love exploring various things and exploring everything in depth. Under normal circumstances you're cool, when given a reason to, you are like a volcano waiting to erupt. You're a fashion bird, an icon associated with fashion. Basically, you mingle along freely but don't like talking much to strangers. People feel very easy in your company. You take care when choosing your friends. If you are a turtle: You are near perfection and nice at heart. The examples of your kindness are always talked about by your friends and the people who know you. You like peace and harmony and you don't like to argue with people even when it is obvious that you are right. You do not talk behind people's backs. You are generous and you like to give love unconditionally. If you are a dove: You have a happy-go-lucky approach in life. Whatever the surroundings may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected. In fact, you spread cheer wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy. Hypocrites can never be in your good books, no matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. Beware, it is easy for you to fall in love.. If you are a panther: You are mysterious. You are someone who can handle pressure with ease. You love to gossip with your friends. You like all situations and things to be in the way you desire, which, sometimes is not possible. As a result, you may lose out in some relationships. But otherwise, you love to help people out from difficult and tight spots when they really need you. If you are a monkey: Very impatient and hyper! You want things to be done as quickly as possible. At heart, you are quite simple and love if you are the center of attraction. In this way, you are unique. You like having a sense of security. Should your name be featured in any sort of a controversy, you may start to panic. Therefore, you take your precautions from the very beginning. When you foresee anything wrong, your sixth sense is what saves you from falling in traps. Quite a money minded bunch you people are! Very true, abt mine de bah.. haha.. chech out urs urself, believe it or nt (:
todae, sian~~~
ytd forget call ppl for bball, so nvr go.. instead sleep till 8+ n eat liao abt 9 le.. den on comp do prof test sample qn, sibei hard.. go wikipedia, some oso cant find, find my father help me, haha.. 姜還是老的辣, lol.. i ask him alot on the regulation at sea he still rmb, pro.. use comp till 11+ den mother say went out for lunch, lol on the way play PSP wif my sis till no bat, haha.. reach cityhall go Carlton Hotel, haha.. thr food damn nice n juz to add on.. i once ordered a $100 meal/person with my father n business partners, haha.. sibei high class la, n no nid pay oso, XD eat liao go beach rd buy prof badge, n nvr sell liao, wth.. waste my trip.. at night, studying sea manual which is damn thick la, tot course end liao nvr even study again, now gt prof test, sure wan earn badge la.. den lata Jeannie back home, msn-ed wif her n we suddenly talk alot of things in pri sch.. haha..den alot ppl start talking to me, esp.. suan me till like tat, nt scam, is fate, lol.. wadeva, den finish sea manual all the impt factors n i think tat all la, dun care oso.. n i gave up on running tml morning, tat's crap.. i starting on tue bah, hopefully.. now wanna sleep liao, haha.. n Jeannie owe me her baby photo since i showed her mine,XD
todae morning nth much to do , use comp all the way till 3+ n i finally found my baby photo n send to Jeannie, haha.. she say she like baby coz they're cute, esp fat de, haha.. so meaning tat im cute, n i gt alot hair in the past, like her, haha
den go down for bball, lol.. nearly slam dunk liao la, start my training nxt week, i think by nxt yr can le, haha.. now onli left a bit more height, mayb few more cm~~ den after tat went to 883 c performance by the RS Artfest tat few performances.. watch n enjoyed, haha.. den when end liao the RP de 'magician' come n perform magic, haha.. like everyone kena tricked, lol.. they very blur, haha.. but nvm la, entertainment XD den lata went home n have dinner outside todae.. come back home used comp n my sis lend me her PSP play, haha.. used till so shuang n she want back, sad la.. bobian, it's hers n she lend me for free, haha.. anyway, tml duno wad to do, gonna study for NCC sea prof test n chinese bah, tue gt prof test n wed is o lvl.. haha, both wan score well, one can get badge, the other affect higher chinese nxt yr.. nvm, i gt Jeannnie's luck ^^ studying while ppl r enjoying holiday, LOL T.T
anyway found this on my Yahoo! messenger, LOL..
蒋干给曹操打电话 蒋干:「操你吗?我干 」 曹操:「我操,你谁啊?」 蒋干:「我干啊!」 曹操:「我操,你到底是谁啊?」 蒋干:「我干啊,你操吧 」 曹操:「他妈的,你到底是谁啊,我操!」 蒋干:「我干,我干啊!」 曹操:「我操!」 此时蒋干的妈妈接过电话:「我干他妈啊,你操吧?操你妈呢?」 LOL, understand? dun understand ask me.. haha ytd nvr blog, todae cover ytd de n todae de..
ytd after sch ncc pre canp briefing den councillor meeting, talk a lot crap on the new system of councillor n wad to change.. den nth do, go 883 eat lunch wif siyuan n jiaqi.. eat liao walk to fushan court n saw a group of ppl playing 'monkey', lol.. wan play go ohter place la, waste the court nia.. den lata i go up take ball n play awhile wif jiaqi n siyuan.. very sian coz no ball feel, alot nvr in.. nxt week start training, haha.. muz improve b4 going back taiwan liao.. den night sibei busy, chat session stuff.. AND AND andy wong call me go camp pinnacle, haha.. getting roof top liao, LOL.. but tat oso means more job n responsibility to take liao la.. todae in sch, sibei busy.. last day liao oso busy.. first cleaning classroom, lol.. den radha call me in charge NYAA thing, lol.. Jinger fault la, haha.. she call me go find andy wong wif her n somehow radha make me in charge.. n gt back report book.. dun wan mention much, juz say aggregate n ranking.. L1R5 19 L1R4 14 Class ranking 29 Overall ranking 66, or somewhr thr, i forget.. haha after sch nth do, wait for ben finish his BB things, lol n mdm chang bring them go canadian pizza, walao.. n i wait for him in sch.. but luckily huiyi is thr, den lata saw honghock n angel, haha.. den chat thr.. den BB back liao n lata went ben hse n changhong.. played XBOX PSP, haha.. den went hoime at ard 6.30.. den now nth do, haven eat dinner.. haha.. wondering if tml wan go c the performance, haha.. since i nth much to do in the afternoon except play bball.. or call tiongjun go oso? haha, c first, jio ppl go wif me.. anyone? anyway gud luck Jeannie for tml performance, haha.. i go thr giv u more luck if i can.. haha..
todae SPA day, n so is tml~~~
very sian, ppl having telematch n we having lessons in lab.. first do chem, very sian oso.. den recess, all chiong prac book qn coz mdm jo wan us hand in by todae.. den was phy n outside is so noisy, who ever wan concentrate.. haha, n wad ms tan say i like half gt hear half nvr hear.. mdm ho's PA system on so loud n the music oso play so loud, but still endure thru.. n sch suppose end at 12, n ms tan drag it till 12.30, left last 10min den she start on prac, before tat damn long on theory, wan sleep liao.. do prac i like 5min finish but duno y some ppl take like 15min like tat, n my reading seem accurate, haha.. den went for meeting for prom night, n lata went to cwp eat mac n c gift for prom night.. after tat play bball, n duno y i todae so hot, walao.. somehow dun like todae's me, sry if i injured anyone todae.. but in another way i like how i play todae, know all my weakness n i wan improve them now.. find some day call tiongjun train me liao, this holiday is gonna be my training season.. nth much to say now, n below is my own training schedule during this holiday bah, haha.. everyweek mon wed n fri morning around 5 or 6am
mayb this exercises can make me cant walk for that day alr, haha.. i would sure lie flat on the ground after tat.. haha.. end here, BYE~~~
todae RS Artfest.. haha, nice performances but up by all.. n aircon, todae nt like ytd so cold, more hotter, partly coz wear blazer la, so damn thick..
at first go do ursher duty.. LOL, nobody at all loh, stand thr like idiot like tat, so sian.. den duncare liao, bring chinpang go backstage, haha.. at back stage, so dark, den went the private dressing room watch the TV broadcast.. but quality so lousy, go thr talk n watch.. den went for duty again, so sian.. after concert, go dressing room n eat, even though i already know no eating.. den lata ms chen come gan ren liao, n everyone cleared.. walked back sch n nth to do, den wait outside sch wif qiqi for her gang to come.. haha, like say until she so bad, gt gang.. den went home, nth do.. on comp watch終極一家 n time past damn fast.. lol, todae finish till epi 17 liao, haha.. ending here..
todae, tired n cold.. firstly at RP thr, suppose to be leaving at 9.30, in the end leave at 1.20 coz i gt a duty n cher didnt tell me until todae morning, LOL wadeva, go thr explore the whole place, suppose to find whr all ursherers stand n use this chance tour, haha.. den slack at the theatre n watch performances.. quite nice, haha.. enjoyed~~~ after rehearsal straight away run back sch for meeting wif my heavy bag(dun ask me y heavy n wad i put, my bag is heavy orignally, LOL) n sibei tired.. den start a 5h long meeting, frm 1.30 till 6.30. tired.. come back home watch OnePiece epi 327, ok la.. nt very exciting coz no fighting at all.. den eat dinner wif my grandaunt n aunt they all tat juz came frm msia, n i anyhow find an excuse say open wine, haha.. after tat polish boots till my finger sibei pain, so long nvr polish nt use liao XP anyway, share a bball videoclip i found todae on the web on LA LAKERS on their 06 -07 NBA playoff.. quite short la but enjoy~~~ lastly, gud luck to all perfomers for tml performace at RP, esp Jeannie, haha.. dun use up all my luck i giv u hor, lata i o lvl fail liao i sure come find u de, haha.. joking XD
todae is another boring day except for thr isnt any camp proposal for me to do todae..
slacking in front comp n watching 終極一家 until my mother call me tidy my room.. finish tidying liao seem like no sense of achievement coz i know few days lata it would b in another mess, haha.. den continue watching, now until epi 12.. slow leh, ppl 2 days mayb can finish till epi 20 liao.. haha.. nvm, continue tml or wad bah..but tml muz watch OnePiece, haha.. 327 out tml bah, i think.. sian, tml gt meeting.. going sleep, haha.. I WISH FOR AN X-TRA DAY WHEN I CAN SLEEP FOR 24HOURS, HAHA XD
night bball at fushan juz now..
sibei tiring n gt some injuries bah, haha.. used to it liao.. jieen bro hong yao(duno like this spell or nt) damn pro, haha.. almost unstoppable.. nvr expect to play wif them but playing wif them learn alot things la.. *playing in progress* lata go buy water n sit at the side, nth do n talked.. go fitness corner n sit n chat, keewei left at light off n left me n ben.. tiongjun n tiongda came n talked again till 11pm at thr talk alot n learn alot moves frm tiongjun.. great experience gained :D back home now kaiyuan wans me to talk to her coz she wanted to get my MSN star on my nick.. lol, n told her i nxt time wan a cool hairstyle that look like this: ![]() anyone wans share comment? haha all comments welcome XD todae wake up n bought nasi lemak frm 883 for breakfast.. stupid GST, keep increase.. last time nasi lemak onli $1 now $1.10.. i wonder if thr ll be nasi lemak tat cost $10 in the future.. haha..
den go sch n wait andy wong come bring us to lower seletar to set checkpoints for NCC annual camp.. den he like bringing us go sight-seeing, go this place tat's like real forest n alot insects, LOL.. den lata bring us go seletar airport n see.. haha.. n came back home, nth do.. now headache duno why, mayb a few epi of 終極一家 n sleep can cure.. haha XD
todae's a boring day~~~
morning go sch train sec2 for their comp, suppose 5 come n onli 2 come.. waste my time again.. still , teach them somethings n after they go, i went up hall c performace rehearsal for art feast.. stay till 11.30 bah, onli watch the band n bangla dance n modern dance performaces n went liao.. went back home sibei boring oso, den watch 終極一家, haha.. watch till epi 4 nia.. den at night after dinner go play bball at fushan.. sibei sian oso, onli me n wengying.. den played wif tiongda n ah rusk.. sibei sian n lose all matches, haha.. first time i play till so sian, but laugh alot.. hha.. nth much, ending here.. tml go recee lower seletar wif andy wong for NCC annual camp... todae's juz a normal day bah..
after sch nth do in sch coz suppose to be training sec2s for their comp but they some how left coz of some reasons.. after tat wanted to went home wif terry n found out tat szeling jinger all at 806 bball court, so went over.. for once again, my daughter pangseh me n go play bball without telling me, haha.. den back home, eat n lata went out to tekong to play bball again.. but saw tiongjun at fushan playing den wait for him end match, haha.. he end damn fast, 10sec score 6points.. haha.. den we walk to tekong n play.. played wif some malaysian guys n some middle age men n they all damn pro.. thr's a tall guy think alittle taller den me but the body size is like 2-3 times of mine n i m suppose to block him, LOL.. real life example of train crushing into bicycle XD n another malay or duno wad guy, nt chinese, shooting 3-point damn pro, lol.. tiongjun keep gt burn by him, haha.. den lata nth do n continue playing all the way till 10.30 n talk till 11.. den walked home n reach at abt 11.15.. tiongjun say wan teach me new things after lights off but he gone liao, lol.. pangseh.. hha.. anyway gtg sleep liao, still nid train sec2s for comp tml.. stupid, waste my time.. BYE~~
todae gt result, damn sad la.. haha
eng : 26/50 onli know pp2 estimate B4 Higher chinese: 61/100 B4 E math: 76/100 A1 A math: 46.25/100 fail~~ T.T D7 Phy: 69/100 stupid SF, if nt 70 B3 Bio: 59/100 C5 Chem: 54/100 C6 Humanities overall 61/100 B4 - SS: 20/50 XP expected -Geo: 41/50 L1R5: 23 overall, jialat la.. haha.. but after sch fun la, go raja room thr slack n eat his biscuit again.. den still sibei lame, say he tot pri sch nvr open he can have peace but we go thr make noise..haha nth much le, tml still gt lesson, sian.. n after sch is gonna busy for me.. ncc camp stuff oso, damn lot.. tired~~~
ytd went for chalet, go wif marcus to MRT to meet them at abt 12
go civic mac eat abit, n lata all take bus go tampinese to meet junbin den go frm thr take another bus to coasta sand n everyone keesiao on the bus, esp me, jr, kiat, hong hwee, junbin.. talk damn lot n noisy n everyone on bus diao us, even the bus uncle, haha.. everyone sibei high liao.. den reach chalet some play poker, some watch TV, some go LAN/Arcade n me samantha honghwee n one more i forget who played mahjong.. call me MAHJONG KING la, lol.. play 4 mathches i win all 4.. den lata play again duno how many matches i win damn lot oso.. hha.. but no money, lol.. den go marina meet jiawen andy n others for steamboat, n i slept alittle on MRT.. kiat now known as master of crab opener, lol.. open the crab until so pro but all the crab dun wan die leh, already open up liao still wan move.. den steamboat-ing till 10+, some go arcade enjoy aircon n wendy came lata cut cake for jr n shirl min, celebrating bdae tgt.. after tat go back to chalet, on the way still keesiao-in-progress.. haha.. reach tampinese kiat said tat stop for 10men, lol.. dun understand ask me, haha.. but obscene la, lol.. go chalet liao alot bath den some play mahjong watch tv n wadeva.. den me n honghwee go walk around, finding the beach.. nearly cant find, coz the new carpark make me confused.. lata go back bath liao n went to the beach.. thr nice to sleep la, so me yihao wendy lie thr n listen music den thin kfall asleep for awhile, haha.. suddenly shocked dao by wendy n we all wake.. lol, she heard the wave very loud tot the wave wan come up liao, LOL.. cant blame, she nt geo studuent, haha.. den samantha call us go LAN.. go thr play CS, lol.. sibei long nvr play rust liao, keep die, haha.. den on form liao session end, lol.. den go back chalet junjie bought vodka, LOL.. i saw the alcohol 43%, i shocked dao.. nt i cant drink is dun think all can tahan n really almost all cant tahan.. honghwee n samantha drink until drunk, den kiat n jr drink till sibei high, me n sihao still ok, lol.. we 2 still thr playing, n our body red n hot la, haha.. n keep going toilet, standard la, tat time drink whiskey wif my father n his fren oso like this, XD den lata go eat MAC breakfast n i lata go back for meeting which is at @ 9.. on mrt very nth do, sibei tired keep wan fall like tat, haha.. until when i reach angmokio den gt seat.. sit liao n sleep, haha.. reach liao wan go woodland CC change, nvr open, wth.. den sms ben call him lend his toilet change, den talk awhile n come sch.. come sch go buy coffee frm vending machine n managed to nvr sleep during meeting, haha.. but reach home after meeting n eat den sleep frm 2 till 7.. haha, tonight i gona sleep early if nt i wont be checking papers tml, haha..
todae wake up damn busy liao =.=
blog abt last night first: last night go tekong play bball, nvr actually played coz tired n lazy go play, haha.. pro playing full court while me jinger szeling ben keewei wengying go playgrpund play.. haha, like last time Pri Sch like tat, miss it alot XD den come back the court, light off! haha, den take ball n played for awhile in the dark, lol.. nobody can c the ball.. me jinkai lex derrick donald keewei n ben play tgt in the dark, haha.. den jinkai n lex GL, haha.. pattern move so many, we oso cant c clearly, so dark.. haha.. lata go play abit wif tiongjun one-on-one, obviously i lose, haha.. he teach me some techniques, lol.. he can be my master liao la, but keep say he lousy, lol..he pro loh, move so fast n keep scoring one.. den lata everyone go liao den me jinger szeling derrick keewei walked to 888, coz szeling wan eat dinner(or supper le bah, haha..) n derrick wan chicken burger, mei you liao.. wan french fries, mei you liao when they alot beside the uncle, haha.. he dun wna do business liao la.. den after tat jinger left n derrick went take bus home.. me keewei sent szeling home i back oso.. todae morning: go buy breakfast for me n my sis coz my mother went woodland centre, lol.. den lata online n do my NCC camp stuff n waited for OnePiece to upload, but haven.. lol.. now nth much to do n going chalet lata on, meet at 11.45, going wif marcus bah.. i really nid 2 myself :) to go for chalet n meeting tml, haha.. if nt i gonna tired out n juz become a panda, haha.. as wad jeannie say, human panda NT cute, animal panda ARE cute.. haha,n she said i cant have 2 myself =X
lol, szeling didnt follow juz now to orchard, instead she say lata wan play bball at tekong..
tired out liao la, haha.. but mayb still ll go bah, going wif ben.. these few days always outside n night bball worse, 11+ den reach home n always online till abt 1 den sleep.. haha.. gt back fone, haha.. can listen my songs again n tml going pasir ris for chalet wont be bored for me.. actually my fone no prob, except my earpiece connection cant detect, den take for service.. nth much to say now, lata going tekong n tml morning going chalet bah, meet @ 11 or? i forget time.. I WAN TO SLEEP!!! BUT OSO WAN TO PLAY!!! CAN I HAVE 2 MYSELF? todae morning wake up at 7.30, den prepare n slack abit den 8.30 walk to szeling blk coz she wan run.. haha, surprisingly.. lol XP
den she come n we call ben, lol.. still sleeping, so we walk to his blk n wait for him den go run.. lol.. suppose to be running already at 8.30, but started at 9.. haha.. at first say wan run for 30min, den szeling bth, run onli 10min(round up de) den slack under ben blk.. lata they go 806 order roti prata n i go back take ball.. n i say liao 806 roti prata take at least 30min ben dun believe, say mayb diff person take diff time, lol.. n in the end think we wait for abt 30 - 45min oso.. haha.. play bball at 806 awhile, so damn hot den move to fushan.. saw my bball gang(baolong, humphrey, weiming, wenkang n alot la) thr n play full court, but i damn tired la, lol.. nvr score alot.. haha.. dun care, have fun can le.. den now at home nth do wait lata 3 go orchard.. haha, take fone.. XD
haha, juz watch Ball of Fury, lol.. think like mr woodcock la, all comedy type de but somehow think Ball of Fury is more funny, lol..table-tennis skill oso siao one, haha..
n i notice one thing la, CWP cathy de movie tix counter unefficient leh, haha.. we wan buy tix but somehow seemed tat they dunwan sell us, keep doing their own things, lmao.. den enter theatre, sat n watched~~~ *after movie* pei szeling go buy her mask n went MOS c her n kW eat, haha.. ben act emo, play fone game by himself den keep say fone no $ liao.. den kW act cool, dunwna talk.. haha.. lol.. after tat send szeling home n me n ben walk home oso.. back home, my sis played my comp n now here posting, haha.. sleeping soon bah, nitex~~~ *Plans for tml -morning run n bball wif szeling n ben, duno if kW comes? -afternoon go orchard take fone n mayb jalan jalan, haha.. depends nth do in the long holi after EOY, haha.. so create a blog n my neighbour help me out juz now.. lol.. IT'S MY FIRST BLOG ANYWAY!!! HAHA =D
anyway, EOY result out in nxt few days, im sure dead, haha.. so better use all the time i have now to enjoy all i could XD now duno wad to post, mayb going orchard lata to take my fone, haha.. SE fone always spoil de leh, duno y.. lucky still under warranty, but going over soon le, so quickly take it for service, haha.. if nt over le charge me damn ex.. haha, change in plan, lata night going movie wif szeling, ben and kw.. shld be watching ball of fury.. hopefully nice.. XD think tml den go orchard take fone bah.. n kelvin is a joker he: ytd gt meeting in sch at 9am, attire PE me: ya, n thr's meeting few months ago in sch oso, 3.15pm, attire uniform.. he: i'll spread to others, i forget.. lol, he damn joker la.. |
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