todae was damn tired la.. lol..
both sleepy n no energy de tired.. morning had PT, did a total of more than 100 pushups, den run for like abt 1KM(my estimation) den lesson all the way till after sch.. met derrick, roger den derrick went to talk to his cher abt his fone, me roger go canteen, i go eat den we nth do, waiting for shamim come back wif ball.. gt the ball n played, but somehow todae is like super strange.. court nobody, n i felt weak la.. i gt the spirit all tat to play, but juz like no energy, no energy jump or even no energy take the ball.. like this all the way till jk they back frm comp, n they won, hahaha.. 44-33(posted wrongly b4..), LOL den went home, saw tiongjun at court, played a match, me wy n glen's father team, VS tiongjun n his fren, i rmb 1 of them call thomas, damn tall, 190, i kena ownage la.. think he let me shoot in de, but den he block me fierce alr sia.. no nid jumo n ball like straight go into his hand, LOL anyway, after tat match went home, dinner n juz now clearing my room for thrash to throw.. n i realised tat last yr i lend frm qiqi de eng hmwk is still wif me, LOL.. but heck care, throw away liao oso, haha.. she wouldnt wan it back anyway oso la, xP tml OMMS!!! muz listen, haha.. i shall motivated u all!!!
some photos uploaded!!!
photo include some pics taken on LJ at Terminal 3 n oso some of NCC photos i found in my comp, XD visit my photo album link!!! &&& lastly very congratz to my daughter for thrashing woodlands in her netball match, LOL score 60 - 2, haha i gt a pro daughter!!! xD
dun feel like blogging this weekend coz i 昨天很他媽的不爽
anyway added some links by my profile, first is my another blogger page, in chinese though n onli update when i free or think of it.. another is the photo album.. thr's some pics i gt when im in taiwan last yr.. take a look bah.. and oso if anyone have pictures on the learning journey trip to Terminal 3 send me can? for me to add into my photo album, thx!!!
todae is a day full of happenings!!!
morning went to sch n assembled according to bus no. for learning journey trip.. i went to Terminal 3 n budget terminal, n we were damn so sian tat we try to compare the toilet thr wif the toilet at T3 ben even wan try asking the security at budget terminal n security at T3 their to compare,haha.. went budget terminal first, but nt much things.. lata go to T3, damn so big la.. den we go check out toilet again, n thr's a fly at every urinal in the male toilet, lol.. actuall fake de la,wan ppl aim at it de, haha walked ard n had a 20min break, but the food thr nt so nice n very ex.. -.- den had 2nd half of the tour n completed liao.. n sharon is siao all the way, lol.. talking in duno wad tone, haha.. n qiqi giv me alot sweet, xD back to sch at ard 12.30 n went council room slack.. in the end they trying do a magic thr n i could get it la.. onli now den somehow know how to do, but cant do till nice nice, lol.. stay inside council room till abt 1.50 den go up take result liao.. saw alot seniors n i go round talking to them.. 2pm liao go in hall n had a brefing for choosing sch for the graduates.. n she gt 6dist leh, hahah.. i muz work hard oso le!!! den we queue n take result n mr du gave us de.. he very scary leh, sit on the chair den he like no emotion de.. when receiving result oso juz a 'gong xi ni' wif a little bit smile de la, hha.. wan scare ppl sia.. anyway, gt A1, hahahaha.. gotten result liao walk here n thr talking to seniors, some happy some sad, some hard to find them n talk oso.. lata went down le sms her congratz, n know her L1R5 very gud, can continue her JC now.. think i now most probably aiming to go to her JC now oso le la, haha.. after result, me ben weiqin go 883 eat, den go home liao.. now blogging~~~ hopefully all the seniors is able to go to a gud JC/Poly tat they wan!!! xD anyway, shall post the pictures abt todae's learning journey some other days coz my fone seem to have some probs connecting to the comp..
morning PT, i was damn tired la, seem like still sleepy, den do normal strenght training, den had run in the sch.. lesson as usual, nth much.. after sch joi ppl go play bball, n gt some la, haha.. n seemed like sch court i can shoot in more liao, haha.. duno why oso, but tat's gud.. however, todae performance normal.. play match think previously shoot too much, now like no energy shoot in leh, but did lay ups.. my air reverse is back, haha xD played all the way frm 3 till 6 bah, haha.. i can onli use this time to train liao la, if nt other time dun have liao.. after tat slack at canteen n went home.. night time was like using comp all the way, n firstly muz finish the compo tat's meant for ms lua la, muz write abt happiness, so i wrote abt her, xD juz now msn chatting, chatted wif her oso, talk abt tml de result things le la, sad~~~ tml thr's learning journey n thr's o lvl result release.. hopefully i can saw her tml, xD n of course, i can finally have the courage to go up to her n talk to her in person bah hopefully tml's a gud day!!! Gud luck to all receiving results tml, ALL THE BEST!!!
nth do, so posting~~~ but seem like my daughter jinger n szeling all post abt ytd liao, i shall post again XD
mon: sch as asual, n after sch celebrate yuan bdae n lata was like nowhr to go, so help jk wif his OMMS abit la.. den szeling call me go SSS watch my daughter de netball, didnt wan go at first coz tot will end up very late, but i reach home at ard 6.40, xD playing against SSS, real pro sch n they did well le la, as compare to others schs bah.. n the stupid daughter of mine keep pointing middle finger in the middle of the court, LOL.. how come the refree(duno spelling -.-) nvr saw n foul her out sia, haha.. oya, n we saw ms fu thr, surprisingly, haha.. heard she n milhan very gud fren, now i know liao, haha.. den waited for their debrief n my daughter n she pangseh us la, lol.. anyway went home later n waited 900A long la, lol.. night hmwk~~~ todae: forget bring mine n qiqi eng ws to sch, make me run back home take, lol.. den assembly jk's OMMS.. OMG!!! he watch damn lot cartoon la, haha.. gt teen titan, pokemon, powerpuff gal, LOL la.. n his OMMS is the first still gt singlish de la, TYCO, haha.. well, H3 slack again, talking abt cherish.. n did CNY deco after tat, n onli me n henry r the boys doing, -.- n lata on is as usual liao nth much to talk.. back home eat liao now blog.. going find something do liao la, since i finish my hmwk liao, except AM, LOL
nvr blog for somedays, juz blog interesting parts..
fri: HL in the morning, den english.. eng quite fun la, hesley call all of us stand n let us guess her lame lame things, haha.. n surprisingly i first to sit down loh, lol.. den c ppl guess, n all those who stand at the end nid say jokes or let other ppl guess things.. recess, bball.. i wan bball during recess liao la, so to keep my awake.. den phy very energetic, haha.. after sch NCC, very sian sia.. like time flies so fast one la, i juz start teaching going to end liao, n den take pace stick wif lanyard i dun like la, =X sat: phy lesson in the morning n did prac later on.. stupid, i go c the no. wrongly, den nid redo the whole of my graph, sian sia.. but the electric prac i do till used to it oso liao la, haha.. watch 鬥牛 要不要 epi8 back home, haha.. jinger stil at epi7 later went bball-ing.. average performance, surely nid improve on b4 sports carnival.. i called tiong jun to help me liao, haha well, todae shall start on hmwk liao, thr's bio speed test tml bah, muz study liao.. but firstly, watch 鬥牛 first, haha xD
some days nvr post coz nth much happen..
say 'bout todae.. morning PT is tiring, well nt as in i cant take it n surely wont be i cant take it, coz im the one leading.. but juz like nt enough sleep -.- sleepy la.. n at ms tan lesson, i was like "can i sleep? i really wan to shut my eyes liao.." den present the jiazhiguan ppt n anyhow present, heck care this crap loh.. after sch had short meeting abt ncc's workplan for 2008 b4 stepping down.. den me n ben ate in sch, duno whr to go, in the end play bball in sch.. at first bo form sia, den duno y oso la, think tired.. den later went the other side play, n mr ry loo came, say wan c ms wong, lol.. den play awhile wif him den starting gt form liao, but was crappy, haha.. alot easy ball anyhow shoot Xp den jk they playing full court, we went at the side n lata go canteen slack abut liao.. lata yihui say she wan play, den she gt a ball n start shooting thr, i join in lata.. at first shoot here n thr onli, den she shocked by my shooting, coz like chop in continuous 4 or 5 ball liao, haha.. den played match, for onli like 3 min coz they start full court again, den we play team BULLET, lol.. still abit crappy liao la, haha.. den finally they clear court like security come chase ppl liao, sian~~~ reach home, eat liao bath n here~~~ think thr's no hmwk to hand in tml XD
well, todae n ytd was like normal, excedpt ytd went airport fetch my mum..
sat: morning was simply hse cleaning coz my mother is coming back liao, OMG! n the hse is like turned upside down xD cleaned up went to fetch her n duno wad reasons thr a lot of malays at the airport, LOL.. den cum back, reach home n slacked.. basically eating taiwan food my mother broght back n was youtube-ing 鬥牛, epi 4 liao, but can skip 5 n 6 oso bah since i watched it in taiwan finish typing 2 compos for cher n watch national treasure frm comp, nvr watch b4 wad.. watch till abt 11.30 n slept.. sun: woke up go 883 eat breakfast n back home was searching somethings.. n now i knew tat my grandma 80th bdae is nxt tue, n i cant be thr.. WTH at first wan search for cheap air tix go thr again, but cant find, all so ex, so drop the idea, but nxt yr i think i gonna be thr to celebrate XD her 80th bdae shld be nxt yr oso if we're to count by english calendar, but well,we're chinese so say NO to english XD celebrating nxt yr oso counted her 80th bdae bah, haha.. den whole afternoon was doing hmwk n i smsed qiqi, nth do.. lol, she at IJC thr wating for the edusave award bah, i wan oso la, cant get coz nt sporean.. sad T.T if nt my eagles $150 n most impt!!! qiqi saw my special ppl thr -.- i wan to rush to IJ immediately la, but i would be real mad if i really did tat, coz i have tons of hmwk left n even i reach thr she oso gone liao.. as for now, i think i gotta do hmwk again later, finished bio n emath, now amath.. T.T i wish i was at IJC todae~~
todae is a tired but happie dae!!!
todae morning is damn tired la, went hl n was tired enough liao, den lessons n pe play wad floor ball, sian~~~ n slept awhile in ms tan class n she called me up, lol.. tired sia.. den had focus HCL, damn sian la.. waste time nia, i at home self study oso more efficient loh.. den had NCC, changed immediately after HCL, rushed down for UI(uniform inspection) n i saw her sia, lol.. surprisingly she came to sch, n heard was abt the eagles award thing n wad gpa de.. anyway, did drill n part b(sec2) was fun la, crap alot wif them n still leanr new drills.. but nxt training nt so slack liao.. den ifc, stupid weather, go up hall, den was like cant even do the crawls when the floor is so damnit slippery.. pt, i made them slack la, normal exercise n games, haha.. after tat send qiqi to busstop n meet changhong they all go civic eat dinner.. eat till duno wad time, onli know reach home at abt 8.30, damn tired.. now blogging n msn n sms chatting im tired~~~
i think i going to get a super orderly life liao la.. everydae after sch go home n do hmwk n play comp, lol.. getting rot one day oso.. anyway, i hate thurs.. 1h30min bio n 1h30min math.. thr's 1h30min chem oso -.- but chem still ok, was practical so time flies.. chem prac was fine todae, except i forget calculations for titration -.- so i stare at ms fu n she stare back at me, haha.. n i replied, 'cher, i forget calculation alr leh..' but my result was somehow quite accurate, first time get the correct reading liao, n tried 2nd n 3rd time was still the same XD although ms fu's result is 0.2cm^3 more than mine, but nvm de, haha.. den was bio, can die sia.. first hour go thru workbk, den the rest is txtbk.. buay tahan liao slept, haha.. for abt 10min nia, lol.. den was math, oso worst but radha's lame talks la.. keep on say the coin n the dice thing, haha.. den we all request break n he gave 10min break, haha.. back do amath, more sian.. nvr listen n tml gt a small test, sian.. after sch lesson, chem.. jo's last lesson wif us, haha.. but den had a lot fun in her lesson la, at least alot of laughing frm whole class.. gold is edible (: anyway, back home was playing playing n playing comp.. sian, i think i gotta rot soon even before o lvl when i was to study study n study.. but, these 2days was quite happy someone special online n had a chat tgt although nt long, but i was happie XD
![]() me in No.1 Uniform during CCA open hse, but sadly i forget wear my lanyard n take my pace stick, it would be even nicer T.T ![]() lol, huiping call me take so close de, haha.. XD closeup shot..
camp was great n of course fun!!! esp campfire, i do so many campfire first time really gt fire, haha last yr sec1 camp light up onli 5min, lol.. den annual camp didnt even finish preparing n gone case.. n slept at library for 2days.. freezing cold.. n stupid terry took marcus sleeping bag n marcus took mine, made me no sleeping bag sleep the damn cold library, onli use my towel as blanket -.- lucky onli for last night.. n last night yonglin ask something damn so obscene to the gals, haha.. for me heard till used to it liao, onli all the boys thr laughing, haha.. Playing Chinese Chess well, for CCA open hse, it was quite great except for the rain, if nt fancy drill would have carry-on even more nice.. anyway, was suppose to be wearing No.4 but i wore No.1 instead XDDDD mr kwok ask if i wan to wear it, so of course!!! shall post the photo some days.. n abt 23 sec1 enroll for NCC, well, hopefully all of them get into NCC XD now nth much to blog, now getting real busy n alot hmwk.. chiong for Olvl!!!
first day of sch~~~
todae do nth like tat, duno go sch for wad -.- nvm, at first doing some admins stuff, den radha teach for half an hour.. den recess, enxin outside giving us chocolates, haha.. thx enxin!!! oya, n aloy is back to sch, haha.. he can be my punching bag again, n i be his sometimes -.- after recess was slacking, everyone was playing while i sitting down thr doing nth, haha.. solo~~~ later on found something to do, thought of 4 offensive formations for bball, haha.. den lata duno is yonglin or qiqi call me go over thr, n den lata play hang-man wif qiqi n sharon.. lol.. until bell ring, den go for maincomm things.. wth, my hair still nid cut, lol.. the side.. den after tat, wanted to eat wif kang n kelvin, den say jr, kiat yuan n honghwee lata kiat left n the rest wanted cut hair, lol.. went 818 ask trim how much n the aunty mother-f**king attitude, say cut n trim same price la, no trim de.. den went my hse, all cut hair.. haha.. yuan help me cut first, den lata jiarong cut.. haha.. i went cook noodle wif kelvin n kang den half way they left, coz jr stupid go play my tat electric shaver n cut out a hole in his head, haha XD he went cut after tat, but can trim de.. $2 nia.. den lata kang help me cut again, coz like ni diff like tat, n this time one side ok. the other -.- he go cut till too thin, lol.. den like a little bit obvious, lol.. after tat all we go 883 buy bbt, kelvin treat me, lol..den i walked to NKF thr wif them n went home.. played comp n now blogging.. gonna do all the holiday hmwk liao la, haha.. some haven even done..
waaa... my post juz gone... T.T
lazy type liao.. HAPPIE NEW YEAR!!! WELCOME YEAR 2008!!! think like this will do liao la, lol |
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