some days nvr post already..
Mon went out wif the HPG (my primary school gang) n had lunch at seoul at Taka.. den catch movie, Bedtime Story at Cineleisure.. den wif ben weiqin enxin walked ard orchard awhile n den back home.. Tue nth to do at home n go play bball wif kang mingyang junbin marcus sihao n changhong.. had to pangseh them to meet qiqi n was really sry for tat coz they help me take care of my things for so long, thanks man~ anyway went to pass books to qiqi n gave her present, n i missed out something =(( n anwyay at night, to be exact, 30/12/2008 2157HRS, i made the move.. Todae woke n went to BBSS for the Promotion Parade Rehearsal n was introduced to their new CO.. anyway, nth much, coz basically went thru wad was needed for the parade n all.. den i went back home after Mac wif Clarence and i slept awhile.. later will be joining Glen at his house for Countdown n steamboat xD n i think i will be going soon already, still nid buy things~ 2009 New Year Resolution
Guess tat will be all for the New Year Resolution..there will surely be more bt i cant list them right away now.. and last of all~ WISH EVERYONE HAPPIE NEW YEAR AND GOOD LUCK AHEAD FOR 2009!!! 56th, Respect & Humility
woke up n prepared for running wif Jiarong n Wendy~ was faster den expected n vacuum the floor for awhile as my mother is back todae frm taiwan =.= n went out after tat.. took 911 to stadium, wait for wendy n todae no energy run, esp seeing the scorching sun after being scorched by a whole day ytd =.= run n fitness corner awhile n we walked to checkpoint for breakfast.. after eating breakfast, slack, talk talk n took bus back n back home.. faster bath, vacuum, wash clothes n mop floor bt they arrived earlier den expected =.= well, nvm still, juz finish my mopping floor n can liao xD den eat, use comp n sleep, frm 4+pm to 6pm, haha.. den now using comp n my back still hurts =.= anyway, juz receive NS Registration letter this morning, calling me to register frm tml onward (29/12/2008) till 19/01/2009.. so i've gt this 3 weeks to register n probably i will do it these few days, or mayb tml xD 她還有 3 個多小時就到了,從現在每一刻我都會在電話邊等著~ 56th, Respect & Humility
wemt Sentosa for Spartans Outing todae.. n go thr, wad can we do? obviously, tanning, swimming, playing ball games, n yes we did.. n i suffer a super obcvious tan line at my butt -.- n my whole body is burning hot n red now, i've put aloe vera n still pain.. bt few days n it will be gone, i know xD hehe, so tml im going running in the morning n tat's it i think xD n my sis juz told me abt a Marathon by Adidas nxt yr 30th May n i think im onto it xD so shall be starting running as much as i can now =] oya, i bought Dark Knight already, i gt the joker as front cover coz it look nicer den batman cover n it is like able to shine unto light as compared to batman cover version.. n gotta stop liao, rushing for time todae xD 她明天就回了,不到 24 小時~ xD 56th, Respect & Humility
as i posted previously, i woke at 11am n started rotting -.- use comp for i duno how long n play games~ den till evening i go eat dinner @ 883 n decided to rent DVD to watch xD rent National Treasure 2 to watch n it's freaking NICE!!! hahaha, i think i will buy the 2 DVD set sold in TS some day xD n i found watching movie at my home is almost as real as movie liao =xx i nt self-praising bt really, except i dun have aircon n my surround sound nt tat gud nia xp n later i off to use comp again~ n i sleep at i duno wad time, bt late de -.- todae woke up by phone call at 9+, terry called.. he asking me if i go bball n i said nt going, bt den in btw still gt some conversation which i duno wad he talking n wad i answering -.- n i think i sleep back till ard 11? i duno time again la -.- den i go use comp till my sis woke n ask her wad's for lunch, n so i order canadian pizza, she ate 3 piece while i eat the rest, so save my dinner oso xD den play comp till huiting msg me to go bball, so i go, if nt i rot like duno wad at home again liao >.< my zuren (huiping) pangseh me sia, i very sad =(( she say call her at 12pm n i call call alot times she oso no answer de =(( n she later tell me she fell asleep till juz now 8+ =.= anyway, go bball for awhile n den go cwp.. walked ard to find box n i finally found it @ 77th street, though i know alot shop gt sell bt i chose thr on purpose xp den walk walk n headed to 883 return DVD.. sad sia, i still wan rent de den they say they closing shop liao, as in close down, so nt renting -.- n i head back home, bt on the way go fushan look look.. practice shooting wif glen's father, i long time no shoot or train liao, always play is slack n play play de xp den shoot quite long, frm 6+ to ard 7+.. duno if it really improve or nt bt nid more practice.. n norman tiongjun thr, so play match, tiring, i too long no play liao -.- bt lan di still ok, nvr deprove alot oso, haha xD n juz now msn told jinkai i joining his team =.= so my sat are burnt i think, bt tat's for nxt yr bah, haha coz im going sentosa tml xD 她就快回來了,在過兩天~ 此時心情很高興、歡喜,但也帶緊張, 因為即將站在她面前的我可能會是另一個我,一個我也不知道會是怎樣的我 隨時間過去,我也應該準備好我想要、應該做的事。 我會不畏懼一切! 還有 2 天~ 56th, Respect & Humility ![]() The SEA FAMILY!!! the family which i go into and will nvr go out~ ![]() grp photo of Serene Kelvin Me Benson Daven Jingjie & Szeling after donning of rank~ 56th, Respect & Humility #1 The first person who tagged in your blog is:
Khairul #2 Your relationship with him/her: Fellow Sea Mates cum Platoon Mate for 56th COC xD #3 Your impression of him/her: a enthu guy abt NCC, haha #4 The most memorable thing he/she has done for you: Zip his pants #5 The most memorable thing he/she said to you: "Juying got hope" HAHA #6 If he/she become your lover you will: i will tell the gal i like straight away -.- #7 If he/she become your lover, thing(s) he/she has to improve/change will be: always check his zippers, hahahaha #8 If he/she become your enemy, you will: pull down his zip.. #9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be: he's zipping too much xp #10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: help Juying NCC (SEA) #11 Your overall impression of him/her is: nt a bad guy~ #12 How you think people around you feel about you? i dun care #13 The characteristic(s) that you love about yourself is: slack xp #14 On the contrary, the stuff you hate about yourself are: slack =[ #15 The most ideal person you want to be is: myself #16 Say something to those who care and like you: Thanks so much n feel my care for u too xD #17 Pass this quiz to 10 people (tag those with blogs): 1. QiQi 2. Sharon 3. Belle 4. Jinger 5. Ziling 6. Clarence 7. Glen 8. Brandon 9. Honghui 10. Ernest I'm not passing the quiz~ do if u wan to do onli #18 Who is no.6 having a relationship with? Double fish =p #19 Is no.9 a male or female? male~ #20 If 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? they dun even know each other, n 7 is attached n they cant be GAYs xp #21 What is no. 2 studying? she's nt studying now, she's working xD #22 When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3? some days ago? n on her blog? haha #23 What kind of music does no. 8 like? chinese songs? english im nt too sure =p #24 Does no. 1 has any siblings? She's the 大姐 leh, with 1 brother and 1 sista xD #25 Will you woo no. 3? No. =.= i alrady have someone in mind.. #26 How abt no. 7? let me say again, he's attached n his my bro for super long already xD #27 Is no. 4 single? yes~ #28 What's the surname of no. 5? Wong #29 Whats the hobby of no. 10? Kayaking? haha, his the 56th Sword Bearer~ #30 Does no. 5 and 9 get along well? they dun even know each other =.= #31 Where is no. 2 studying at? she's nt studying, bt working at marina sq now xD #32 Talk something casually about no. 1 she sleeps alot n sometimes quite blur wif STM, n tat's wad i like abt her xD #33 Have you tried developing feelings for no. 6? OMG!!! im nt GAY really!!!! though i've been meeting him alot more den my family, haha #34 Where does no. 9 lives? somewhr near woodlands stadium #35 What colour does no. 4 like? i duno wad colour my 女兒 like =.= probably black? i really duno >< #36 Are no. 5 and 1 best friends? they duno each other n 5 very anti-social one xp #37 Does no. 1 have any pets? No, i dun think her family n herself wans to keep it, haha xD #38 Is no. 7 th sexiest person in the world? haha, if he is, im too sexy xD #39 What is no. 6 doing now? mayb sms-ing his gf again n getting ready for his airborne training later? haha
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
was out for X'mas countdown @ Esplanade wif Clique xD long time since we're out tgt, i think? haha, n tat's after prom i think.. i woke up at ard 11am juz now, slept at 730am =.= n is super hungry now~ x.x ytd i went to cwp alone at ard 330pm to look for present.. look ard for like quite some time already cant make up mind wad to buy.. n later terry called, he at cwp alone oso, so joined me.. den look ard more shops n all tat n finally settled wif Waiean de present xD though i gt cheated by 60c =.= n den i look ard more for QiQi de present, bt cant find at all, dun even know wad to buy.. n den after tat went into comic collection, n look ard n found this particular item tat i think is very nice n i think QiQi will like oso bah, so bought it xD *dunwan say wad item xD* n den went to meet ben enxin baoying outside 7-11 n head to Marina Sq. after reached Marina Sq jiu walked ard n headed to Ryoichi coz Baoying is hungry.. [kope frm 女兒 de blog since she posted wad i wan to post oso xD so everything in her points of view, lols~ ] (start...) By the time I reached MS again, Enxin, Baoying, Terry, Benjamin & Rong were alr in Ryoichi, so I joined them. Weiqin served my salmon bento but he forgot to charge me =p So HAHAHA... cheaper! -.- Arigatou gozaimasu for your carelessness! & I wrote Larissa's, Weiqin's & my name on Ryoichi's glass wall -.-" Headed to toilet first, then we headed to Suntec. On the way, I wanted to visit the toilet again & I thought I'm the only weird one [cos we all just went ma...] till Baoying told me "eh, I wanna go toilet again leh..." HAHAHA hi-5 laaa! Then Rong also said the same thing. Baoying thought she's weird, Rong also, I also -.-" So nobody said anything initially. HAHAHA~ Enxin left to meet his dad & sister while the rest of us went to draw on the white ball ball which will be left floating at the Esplanade there de river. Sho coolssxxzzzz manssxzz... We drew for very very long. I think by the tie we finished, three groups had alr finished theirs. After that, Enxin came back to meet us. We went to the Fountain of Wealth. HAHA this is funny -.-" We asked Terry to go down & dedicate nice song, then Baoying & I kpo so we also went down. Enxin dontknow why tagged along. Initially wanted to sabo Enxin by dedicating to her but since she's with us [at the dedication booth or what is it called], we decided to do this... To: Benjamin Bey Bang Wei From: En Xin Artist: Jason Mraz Title: I'm yours Message: I lurbesxxzzxzxzzxxz euu! Our dedication was the last one, so heng. So the DJ read out Ben's name slowly & he was shocked. Then he heard Enxin's name & he's even more shocked. When he heard the song title, he almost fainted -.-" [just joking] Then... when he heard the message, he almost died! =p We laughed so hard. Anyway, the DJ didn't pronounce the message in the twitish way! Sad LOL. Coolios, we went to merry-go-round the fountain of wealth. Quite stupig actually, very superstitious HAHAHA just to attract tourists... Baoying left & the rest of us went back to Citylink for icecream =D Went to stage behind DXO. Sat there & camwhored. Weiloke & co came too so they joined us. Ouhya, Szeling & Weiqin came after work. With more people, we demonstrated the RS spirit -.-" Hmm according to past experience, the real RS spirit is AA = Attract Attention. We shouted the countdown even though the timing was wrong [& we knew it actually, just shout for fun, AA ma]. Then we went around Merry Christmas everyone & we were sprayed -.-"I think this spirit was trained during NJRC, Sports Carnival & other events which needed cheers -.-" Next, we tried even harder to be AA. So we too-too-train around singing Xmas song. Or should I say we shouted instead of sing... We kept too-too-trained around couples/ a group & by the time we sing finish, we all squatted down =p [xing dong wang~] Then stood up & too-too-train away. HAHA so AA I really think we owned -.-" Had Gift Exchange, then we took the last train back to Woodland. In the train, we were very very noisy, causing a man who was sitting beside Weiqin to move to other cabin -.-" Went to Rong's house & bitch Weiqin started to bitch & everyone joined in. OMG it was so hilarious I laughed even harder than yesterday's joke.. laughed till my stomach very very very pain. (...End) we went to makan at 888 at ard 5+am n den all go back home liao.. so tat's when i showered n started my sleep till 11am xD 還有3天~ 56th, Respect & Humility
somehow, it's quite true~
56th, Respect & Humility
#1 The first person who tag/pass you is
-Amir #2 Your relationship with him/her? -My Cadet xD #3 Your impression of him? -potential good leader #4 The most memorable thing he/she had done for you? -i duno? if can make the Part C (2009) to be able to achieve high, tat would be very memorable for me xD #5 The most memorable thing he/she had said to you? -BOTAK! #6 If he/she become your lover, you will -tell Afiq tat his brother is a GAY! #7 If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be -not possible la, wahaha #8 If he/she become your enemy, you will? -knock him down xD #9 If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be ?] -his brother has become my real lover xp #10 The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is ? -i wan the Part C (2009) to fall in now,let's do some drills xD #11 Your overall impression of him/her is ? -nt bad as a boy xp #12 How you think people around you will feel about you -why i think of wad ppl think of me -.- #13 The characters you love of yourself are ? -carefree n enjoys every moment i have now xD #14 On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are? -some things i juz heck care xD #15 The most ideal person you want to be is ? -myself xD #16 For people that care and like you, say something to them ? -thanks for all ur support n care n concern towards me, i will treat the same back as well xD #17 Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you. Pass to people with blogs only. checks my list~ Anyone~ xD i do onli summary of ytd n todae~
ytd went out for waffle buffet wif BBSS C/OFFR n Ms yee n Ms Ho at paya lebar n went airport for some stuff.. den walk ard, talked n trained back.. i trained to city hall to find enxin ben L n Wq den find JE n Jen at their work place at Marina Sq.. den after tat, go alot places, lazy talk liao =.= todae went running in morning, bt wanted gym de, haven open.. den back home, changed n bath n went to glen hse.. den we went to kallang for ice skating.. i still know how to go forward, n now learning abit of how to break le xD bt i still fall, coz i trip at the ice? duno how to say bt pain -.- after tat went eat n walked ard thr n glen n liqin go clarke quay thr do sent laptop for repair n den we looked ard oso.. den decided to go city hall to shop n we went~ my 2nd day at cityhall again, this time i bought things, for melissa Ben Dan de xDDD n i think i giv her de present all standard de la =.= bt i still managed to find it la, hahahaahah~ den after tat dinner at mac n headed back home~ now use comp~ n tml will be counting down for christmas liao xD 56th, Respect & Humility ok, i rmb wad we did during midnight last night le..
we 'gambled' wif poker cards, haha.. bt wif chips la, Lieutenant Chang brought chips along la n he taught us how to play tat xD my new year have new game to play liao, wahahahah =] n the rest i shall update tml tgt xD quite late n tired, going gym tml oso -.- n shared alot of things wif GiGi todae n hopefully she cheered up more xD 還有 5 天~ 56th, Respect & Humility
it was indeed fun!!! n i would say it as successful xD except tat i think tat 56th didnt have much ppl turning up n due to the majority is chinese, it's hard to compromise the malays as well.. anyway~ 20Dec went out at ard 430 n meet peisan @ Bukit Batok mrt station, n den met jinchuan in the mrt.. den took jinchuan's fren, Glen's car ride frm jurong east to East Coast.. reach thr liao rent bike n played a little while, went to find Ernest wif clarence n Fitri.. den we stay in the chalet n started craps n some 'fun' activities xD *it is nvr good to be outstanding, esp when ure in the middle of a crowd of ppl* this is the lesson i learnt, wahahaha.. n den we had BBQ, eat a little n me clarence peisan ernest n fitri went for our cycling.. met up wif the East ppl n had a talk awhile n we head to the end of East Coast.. heading towards end of East Coast is our plan, bt we see tat can go somemore so we cont on n on..till changi village n den slowly on n on till frm East Coast to Changi, den Pasir Ris, reach Downtown East thr, n den tampinese, den till bedok reservoir n den back to East Coast Area G.. n i had a fall during the trip la, dunwna talk abt it, wahahaha.. though i thin tat the fall is quite worthing la xD n den after completing, butt pain, n went back chalet to eat some food, haha.. n den cnt really rmb, bt onli know we went to mac at 4+am n ate breakfast..n den we did alot of talking oso again wif the seniors.. last time training is really uncomparable to ours now -.- last time CLTs are like God already, haha.. they can make u do anything they wan n u dunwan -.- i'm really quite terrified by wad ppl can do to u in the past in NCC, regardless u are a CDT or a REC =.= den morning, return bike n watch doreamon, whahah.. so many ppl watching tgt sia, n was shocked tat tracy ( a west district CLT) nvr watch doreamon before hopefully she fall in love wif doreamon after todae, haha..coz its real nice xD n den i join jingkai jayson JC tracy Sergeant Derrek 2LT Chang to Mac for their breakfast, n after awhile i join my sis to her church de duno wad thing n i fall asleep thr.. dun care much oso n fianlly finihs n back home.. i gt alot injuries -.- fall frm bike, 4 abrasions, left wrist abit injured n todae sleep in bus till my neck now super pain, cant look right -.- n guess gotta sleep now.. going eat 湯圓 later.. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 冬至快樂~!! 56th, Respect & Humility HAPPIE 15TH BIRTHDAY TO
YIXUAN LAO SAN!!!! wahaha, gud luck n all the best for ur nxt yr in riverside liao, O level is coming~ xD this is a scheduled post anyway coz im at the chalet right now.. 還有 7 天~
todae went to BBSS for CCA promotion to the new sec1s, dunwan talk, too lazy xp
n tml will be sea gathering already, wahahaha.. like finally la, meeting almost everyone frm sea unit n gud chance for interactions, haha xD n shall update when im back again if i have energy.. n monday will be having lunch buffet wif the BBSS CLTs, which im one of them already, wif their Teacher Officer, Ms Yee.. shall update den~ 還有8天~ 56th, Respect & Humility
nth much to update these days
mon & tue went to BBSS to help part Bs for their coming part C life.. n now i have to schools to go for training, one Riverside and the other Bukit Batok xD hopefully thr is no clashes between training, or i will give up BBSS den, Riverside is my main wad xD wed went orchard wif ziling n huiting for movie.. watch Cape No.7, though i watch it before but quite worht watching again xD n huiting cried at the last part, bt it's really touching, i oso nearly cried when i watched it first time.. n den we walked ard n ard till 8.30pm bah, board train n back.. reached home n comp-ed.. todae been out for bball juz now, later duno if going out or nt.. mayb going giv books to ziling, at first i wan give gigi de, n she bought all her books liao -.- i tot i told her i giving her liao, lols~ bt nvm la, at least i oso can cleared my books liao.. n later think tidy up my room abit n tidy my notes la, i giving them all to gigi, haha.. n my room will be empty again xD now use comp awhile n later go tidy xD 56th, Respect & Humility
wahaha, finally bdae le hor? hehe~ Jiayous n ALL THE BEST for ur studies nxt yr la, N level yr liao cant slack xD n i waiting u to come back to cut cake at MSN, hahahah~ i slept damn late these days, n todae is a cold day~ i know qiqi thr colder though, wahaha~ nth much to blog, lazy xp tml will be going to Clarence school to help his Part Bs to prepare for Spec Course nxt yr.. n my job as a Cadet Officer starts tml xD nth much liao.. n i wan to go out!!! anyone interested in playing pool or bowling or underage clubbing? and for the NCC SEA family, anyone still interested in coming to the Sea Gathering Chalet? i think you can still come for it, details @
finally no longer TRAINEE, but CADET OFFICER!!! 56th Cadet Officer Course finally comes to its end the tears u shed, the days we had, the laughters, sadness, and the seriousness we had together will be kept in my heart.. even though i might not know all my syndicate mates, bt it's a great pleasure to know most of you guys thr xD thur had army recruitment talk again n POP rehearsals~ at night book in HQ n went Syndicate3 bunk to sleep, thr onli gt me clarence lopez ernest khairul n jinghan sleeping thr, it's damn spacious la xD den me lopez clarence talked while i n clarence settle his mon n tue part B training wif his staff sergeant.. i gt jobs to do so fast sia, n my role thr was APC and to assess his cadets. n we slept at 230am.. fri, POP DAY! woke at 5am, n continued sleeping till 530am.. settle everything n changed into no.1 half u for rehearsal.. was super tiring during rehearsal n had certificate presentation in th afternoon n had early dinner.. i was super sad tat my ting ting 'jiejie' could nt come coz of a stupid gal call Chew 0 0 -.- bt still serene n jingjie did come n they're early, so i after tat had dinner n talked to them awhile, telling my standing positions n i went to shower, rest n changed full No.1.. Parade~ n super me la, i cocked up at some parts, my hormat i duno why i like cant grab hold rifle n do perfect leh, my rehearsal did so damn perfect la, den actual gimme this -.- n dalam bukat i oso do wrong, nid to bang i nvr bang, den after tat i bang on wrong leg, wtf~ den Donning for ranks.. serene n jingjie came n i gave them the rank first say is 1 person don each side, bt den later become serene don for me the ranks while jingjie thr keep taking photos xD after tat, they moved back n we marched out.. den moved to MPH for post parade, n after SM said dismissed, threw peakcaps up high, hahahha xD it was really a moment tat i waited for.. n den we moved ard n i keep looking for serene n jingjie bt cant find, n after tat found them n we talked thr.. n coz they had to seats, i went to look ard n i found benson family n szeling n kelvin sitting thr, so i went to find serene jingjie n called them to sit at the tables, i cant possibly let my guests be standing all along.. n den my performance time, hahahaha.. did better den den i onli vividly know how to dance, the rest i was following, haha xD n after tat, serene jingjie took benson father's car back first, didnt mange to send them off coz was busy, needa to sai kangs.. i was really sad this time coz i couldnt join them for most of the time, n they actually spent their time to come down to see my Graduation Parade n don my ranks.. THANKS SERENE N JINGJIE FOR COMING TO MY POP!!! n changed back, return No.1 and i went to meet Daven, Jinchuan, Jingkai n the rest for supper, even though i reached thr they alr finished eating.. den talked awhile n everyone was tired, esp jinhuan, he used to his lights off time in BMT already, 1130 auto wan sleep xp n i reached home, bathed n continue used comp till ard 3am den i off n sleep, todae woke at 8 n later continued sleeping till amost 11, lols.. i woke damn late sia, it's rare for me xD now using comp n photos shall upload when i gets them xD 還有15天~
Chalet~ Tue early morning report back to course, w/o any sleep at all -.- had lectures, keep falling asleep n had SAFTI challenge in th afternoon.. totally tired.. basically ran around OCS n we went into OCS's Officer Mess n guess wad.. I SAW KOK WAI TONG's name on the wall, showing the best cadets of each yr! though i'm nt quite too sure if this is the Mr Kok tat we know.. n the NAVY sword is nice la, especially the crest, can win other forces alr.. the big anchor is wad i like xD n back home.. Todae abit of talks n POP rehearsal in the afternoon.. shall be booking in tml most probably n POP on FRIDAY!!! xD my beloved Cindy Jie Jie & Serene & Jingjie will be coming to see me, wahahahahah!!! so they will be the ones donning my rank in this case xD & congratz to Tan Jin Chuan for his POP at BMTC todae n winning the Best in Platoon Award~ xD i wan to see him in Navy next time, hahahah xD 2more days to POP~ 18後就回來了~ =]
All the best for ur studies at Australia xD I WILL DEFINTELY MISS U MAN~ Take cares~ went to glen's hse at ard 4pm n we all set off to cwp at 430pm++ meet others n took 858 to airport send philoe off.. there's me shiyu xinen suyi glen brandon honghui tianfah xiaomin ronald sionghua & others.. reach thr n went to find philoe n we talked, took pic n bidding farewells.. before going off, philoe took turns to hug all of us.. many of the gals started to cry.. bt there's still time we say bye to each other~ n after tat, we had a walk ard airport, looking for food, n finally went to popeye for dinner, had a 3pc meal, damn full -.- bt guess my ulcers or wad in my mouth took longer to heal, felt extremely bad =( n den we went to took bus to yishun n decided to go to OCC to play pool.. on d way, sat wif shiyu n we somehow started talking lots of things.. n frm thr, i can conclude riverside is a even lousier sch in my eye alr..she said tat riverside alot of gangster like tat n i think it's quite true..n evg doesnt have alot of gangsters nowadays except thr may be more malays onli.. seriously, i found her quite nice to talk wif la, we're nt even really very close bt yet we still shared alot xD n reached OCC, played pool wif glen tianfah honghui sionghua while others played photo match at the machine.. n den till 11+, caught the last shuttle bus back n homed~ think im going to sleep soon, n thr's rehearsal for POP night n going to beach rd for name tag tml =.= n i've finally get my jiejie to don my rank for me on friday night liao xDDD extremely happie right now =] 还有21天~
these 2 day~
ytd Change of Command! Sea District did the most slacking job, urshers xD n even gt a chance to get into Motivational Hall to 'motivate' ourselves xD it's really a great experience to witness a parade for the first time in my life at HQNCC..n this time a diff feeling, coz u know alot of CLTs already n had a chance to get close n talk to them n wish them gud luck, etc. n even had a chance to ursher a BG (1 star on his shoulder) n he's the 2 PDF Commander.. bt managed to talk to him for onli a short while.. n ursher-ed n watch the parade.. after parade, proceed to canteen for refreshment n grab the chance to talk to ppl.. wanted to talk to ISCEP ppl, bt shy la, haha..n lastly, i onli managed to talk to a Navy Maj wif Clarence, n he talked to us abt his time when he was in NCC, he was a Sea Cadet as well xD n after tat, meet wif Tanjing, Amir Alaric n etc. back to woodlands n dinner.. back home,real tired n did smart 4 n slept.. todae could say tat it's time to be serious for the last 5days b'coz my OC has returned.. n todae basically was playing games in groups in th morning n lecture on coaching in the afternoon.. during evening, debrief.. shan't elaborate on details bt on my reflection.. i think from certain views, i really admire n was impressed by my OC.. he gives me the image of Yusof ( a sec5 MSG when i was Sec1), b'coz the way they look n the way they sound somehow instill fear in ppl, n i think this may be wad i wan to overcome during the last 5 days n try to learn frm him as much as possible.. he said tat he had values in life tat he holds on strongly, n i somehow did a serious reflection on this on my way back home.. wad abt me? wad was the value tat i holds strongly on to? it's time for me to find myself a value n hold it strongly.. bt frm some views, i find him too my understanding (which may be wrong), he is not the OIC for the camp bt i somehow think tat he's taking over the place of the OIC.. the real Cadet Officer Course has started onli todae, coz i think todae is the onli day tat the whole course really sit properly, fall in like how we did in Spec Course, etc. i really dun mind missing out lotsa fun wif my frens during these 3 weeks, close to a month, as i really learn alot during the terms of leadership, character n other aspects, i think i really gained alot n will nvr forget all these i gained.. so , shall end here slightly abt the course.. shall update abt incoming events..
ok, juz 5 more training n it's over!
muz blog abt todae, coz it's real fun!!!
todae reporting time was 7am, our Syndicate was the first to have full strength, THE SPARTANS! xD n we set off to SISPEC for todae's activity.. get to do all the simulations of many kinds of weapon todae.. first, the SAR21 IMT shoot, really easy to use, really can hit all on target xD except my 1 bullet fly out onli.. den the simulations on all the explosive weapon like MATADOR (anti-tank missile) , M203 Grenade launcher n GPMG (General Purpose Machine Gun), bt i didnt get a chance to try on GPMG =( bt i had a chance to be the commander, though nt very gud coz the ma'am (Cheryl Ma'am) say i shout till very funny @.@ i first one to do mah, n nvr told of how to do, so surely cant do well, bt den gt the feel of being a commander n im sure if im given a 2nd chance, i would do betta xD n then also visited other explosive simulation, bt unable to try on them.. seen the demonstration of MILAN, SPIKES and Mortar.. the Mortar is damn cool i tell u xD headed to cookhouse for lunch after tat.. den we bus-ed to live firing area to see the 1st Commando Battalion in action.. it was really an unforgettable experience to follow the Commandos so close and see how they move n coordinate wif one another.. the Commandos are truly one of the elite forces in Singapore.. n would nvr forget how loud the MATADOR is when firing, simulation is really nth compared to live rounds xD n even got a chance to fire a 'CLASSIFIED' weapon n won myself 2 prizes, a running pouch n a small sticky notes.. after all these fun n exciting activities todae, headed back home frm boon lay MRT.. hopefully i would be able to have this rare chance again xD 8 more trainings and we'll be through~ 2 more weeks to POP! 還有27天~ |
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