ok, todae, for me was such an indecisive day..
at 11.30am,i called and said I GIVE UP! i gave up for the thing tat i wanted all along, i gave up the chance that i could have gotten it.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i gave up my MSTD trip to Phuket on 6 - 14 March =((( the reason is simple, i couldn't forgo my studies for NCC, even though i love NCC even much more den studies (think everyone oso will like tat la xp) but MSTD trip is the one trip that i long-ed for ever since i knew of this trip.. basically, the trip is sent you on an attachment trip wif RSN on board one of the LSTs (Landing Ship Tank) and you will get to see and experience life on board ship of a Navy Personnel. Perhaps i wont get a 2nd chance to go for this trip in my life in NCC, however, i will get a chance if i join Navy! So i think my desire of joinning Navy is stronger now, n i will defintely work my way towards joining Navy! xD it's really sad to give up this opportunity and i heard tat my Ex-C/CPT, now a OCT Tan Jin Chuan may be on tat trip! bt i had to and not to be selfish to myself n others.. these 2yrs, wad i shld really focus on is my studies instead, whether i could go into a gud Uni or get a scholarship, i was aiming for scholarship when i get into NS! xD wad's more, if i decided to back-out the trip after confirming my status for the trip, i nt onli waste my parents' money for the trip, i also wasted a slot for others who also really wanted bt could nt get pass the interview..so i made up the decision. anyway, 2LT Chang gave me a shock juz now also..i asked him the confirmed date for the trip n he suddenly say 6 May =.= well, nt a real shock actually coz i was planning to tell him tat i want to back-out already.. n later going back RS for training den, n eating my lunch thr oso, wahaha xD 56th, Respect & Humility |
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